The Phillip Island Business Network is proud to invite our members to a sumptuous three-course meal at the Foreshore Bar & Restaurant Rhyll. There will be laughter, music and fantastic company. All the ingredients for a wonderful night out with your fellow Business Operators.
'A meal is the whole experience of getting together and sharing with friends. It is more than food' Tickets: Each current PIBN member has been allocated ONE free ticket to attend the Network Soiree. You have until the 1st August to claim your ticket and nominate a representative to attend. Claim your spot here: After 1st August some additional tickets will be released at cost price - giving our members the opportunity to bring another team member.
Cyber Security Breakfast When: Thursday 20th July, 8.30am for a 9AM Presentation Start Where: The Huddle , Level 1 / 35 Thompson Ave, Cowes Cost: FREE for PIBN Members, RSVPs are essential! Email: [email protected] Come hungry, we've got Pennylane Cafe serving up brekky for all our guests and G'Day Tiger will be sorting out coffee/drink orders! Another great opportunity to connect with your fellow business owners and learn something new. Come an join us for a casual catch up at The Lost Cowe. No presentation or formalities, just an informal catch up.
Please RSVP so we can reserve enough tables: [email protected] or text Jess #0400640489 The Phillip Island Business Network invites you to join us in catching up with your fellow members over food and drinks & a brief presentation from NBN Local (Gippsland)
A christmas party for our member businesses and their teams.
4.30pm - Meet at Cowes Jetty in preperation for boat cruise 5 - 6pm - Canapes and a Cruise with Wildlife Coast Cruises 6pm - 9pm - Christmas Party with Music & Entertainment at North Pier Hotel Members are invited to purchase tickets for the Boat Cruise, the Christmas Party, or both. Costs: $50pp Boat Cruise $25pp Christmas Party at North Pier Tickets are limited in capacity (particularly for the boat cruise - capped at 70pax) Thank you to our event hosts Wildlife Coast Cruises and The North Pier Hotel. Bookings Essential: |
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